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Carthage Must Be Destroyed: How Hannibal's Carthage Challenged Rome and Shaped Western History


(According to Carroll D. Wright, first U.S. Commissioner of Labor, "A great many old freight cars which must soon have been replaced by new, were pushed into the fire by agents of the railroad company," to be added to the claims against the country.62) The crowd prevented firemen from saving a grain elevator, though it was not owned by the railroad, saying "it's a monopoly, and we're tired of it,"63 But workers pitched in to prevent the spread of the fire to nearby tenements.64 By Monday, 104 locomotives, more than 2,000 cars, and all of the railroad buildings had been destroyed.

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Couzens thought he must be mad. Then he remembered. The Korean nationalanthem, their song of unity and freedom, was written to the tune of"Auld Lang Syne." It was absurd, but it was true. It was their"Star-Spangled Banner," their "God Save the King," their "Marine Hymn,"their "Battle Hymn of the Republic," their "Dixie." They had fought theJaps to this song, and particularly in this wild and rangy country,which military strategists called a "redoubt area," they had fought, andnever ceased fighting, the conquerors. Now Couzens realized they werefighting the new conquerors, the Communists, with this same song. DogCompany was being serenaded into battle with a song of freedom, butquietly, quietly, so Couzens knew the enemy was not far distant. Theenemy would be at the crossing. 2ff7e9595c

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